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    What Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections and How Do They Work?

    Robert Laidlaw • Jun 27, 2023

    Wrinkles and fine lines are visible signs of ageing. But while these changes are a natural part of the ageing process, certain lifestyle and environmental factors can cause them to appear prematurely to younger age groups.

    As these lines are natural, they vary in appearance for each individual. Some people like their frown lines, while others may prefer to have them eliminated. If you are the latter and you are considering anti-wrinkle injections for the first time and have questions on what to expect, this blog is for you.

    woman undergoing anti wrinkle injections

    Image by Freepik

    In the following sections, we will discuss what are anti-wrinkle injections, how they work, and how long their efficacy would last. We will also cover other important aspects such as possible side effects and the best age to do these treatments. With this knowledge, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your aesthetic requirements.


    What are anti-wrinkle injections?

    Anti-wrinkle injections are cosmetic, non-invasive treatments that are commonly used to reduce the appearance of deep lines and facial wrinkles on the face, neck bands, smokers' lines, and around the mouth.

    But aside from these aesthetic treatments, anti-wrinkle injections are also used as an effective treatment for excessive sweating (also known as hyperhidrosis), jaw clenching or teeth grinding as well as facial slimming and chin dimpling.

    Significantly, anti-wrinkle injections help improve the overall appearance of the facial skin. However, it is important to note that they do not replace lost volume of the facial muscles. For plumping and revitalising the skin, dermal fillers serve as an effective treatment option.

    While dermal fillers are often confused with anti-wrinkle injections, the most favourable anti-ageing results are typically achieved when these two treatments are combined in a comprehensive approach.

    How do anti-wrinkle injections work?

    Anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing the targeted muscles so that the nerve signals that are transmitted from the brain to the muscles are blocked. During this episode, the specific facial muscles experience a temporary state of paralysis so that they do not contract. This treatment effectively relaxes the muscles, reducing the visibility of lines for a tighter, smoother, and fresher appearance.

    Anti-wrinkles injections are usually quick, non-surgical, and minimally invasive which is why many patients opt for this treatment. With only a few minutes to complete the treatment sessions, results are typically visible in as little as 3-7 days, however, depending on the severity of wrinkles, some results may take up to a month or longer.

    Aside from deep lines and wrinkle reduction, anti-wrinkle injections also work in treating the following:

    • Forehead lines
    • Bunny lines
    • Frown lines
    • Vertical lip lines
    • Crow's feet
    • Chin dimpling
    • Gummy smile
    • Excessive sweating
    • Migraines
    • Jaw clenching or teeth grinding
    • Facial slimming or jaw line slimming


    How long do anti-wrinkle injections last?

    The length of efficacy of anti-wrinkle injections varies for every individual depending on the case of treatment area. But on average, the efficacy can typically last between three to four months. After this period, it is recommended that you return to your practitioner for another treatment session to maintain its effects.

    Anti-wrinkle injections are not permanent, which is why you should consistently return for further treatments. This way, you can enjoy its long-term benefits and maintain a youthful appearance.

    What is the difference between anti-wrinkle injections and Botox?

    Anti-wrinkle injections and Botox are technically the same in terms of their application and effects. But to specify, Botox is a specific brand of anti-wrinkle injection that is also the most well-known product in this category. Botox is basically derived from botulinum toxin, a type of harmful neurotoxin that temporarily paralyses the targeted muscles to manage and treat therapeutic and cosmetic concerns.

    anti-wrinkle injection on wrinkles

    Image by Freepik

    On the other hand, the term "anti-wrinkle injections" refer to a broader range of treatments that help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

    While both anti-wrinkle injections and Botox are commonly used for cosmetic purposes, it is essential to highlight that Botox is merely one brand of anti-wrinkle injections, and there are alternative brands that use the same active ingredient to achieve comparable results.


    What are the side effects of anti-wrinkle injections?

    While anti-wrinkle injections are generally non-surgical and minimally invasive, it may still be possible for you to experience complications and side effects after treatment. But you should not worry because these side effects are typically mild, temporary, and limited to the treated area or the injection site. 

    Some of the most common side effects that you may experience within a few hours to days following an anti-wrinkle injection include the following:

    • redness or skin discolouration
    • bruising
    • swelling
    • facial pain
    • numbness or firmness
    • headache or nausea

    In most cases, these side effects should subside within a few hours while others might take longer depending on the treatment area. If side effects persist even after a week, reach out to your doctor immediately.


    What is the best age to start anti-wrinkle injections?

    While it is common to see wrinkles mostly in older adults, they may also appear among individuals at a younger age. Depending on several other factors such as genetics, weather conditions, lifestyle, and environment, facial wrinkles may start to appear as soon as the collagen and elastin in the skin break down. As these proteins naturally weaken with age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, thus, wrinkles may start to form at any time.

    a woman touching her smooth face

    While there is no definite age limit for having anti-wrinkle injections, a reliable sign that you may want to consider doing the treatment is when frown lines and facial wrinkles start to appear on your face. Normally, lines may appear when a person smiles or frowns. These are commonly known as smile lines, frown lines, and dynamic wrinkles or expression lines. Depending on the individual, these lines may form as early as in your twenties. In this case, getting an anti-wrinkle injection treatment is not at all necessary.

    However, if deep frown lines and forehead lines start to appear even when your facial muscles are rested, this could be a sign that you should look into anti-wrinkle treatments. As we age, our skin starts to sag and lose its elasticity. As a result, these static wrinkles become more pronounced and continue to appear even if the face is at rest.

    Getting anti-wrinkle injections can help reduce the appearance of these lines and deep wrinkles by relaxing the underlying muscles. This allows your overlying skin to rest and smooth out naturally on its own.



    Anti-wrinkle treatments are one of the most popular types of facial treatment in the cosmetic industry today. With several patients reporting great success, these treatments are recommended by medical professionals and patients alike.

    anti-wrinkle injection for smile lines

    Unlike other cosmetic procedures that are more invasive, painful, and may take longer to heal, anti-wrinkle injections are safe, less painful, and offer quick natural-looking results that can last up to months. The results are temporary yet fast to show up, which is a convenient way to maintain your youthful appearance without needing to commit long-term. And if you are satisfied with the outcomes of your treatment, you have the option to continue with it for as long as you want.

    Whether you are looking to reduce your fine lines and wrinkles or you are seeking treatment for excessive sweating or jaw line slimming, an anti-wrinkle injection is a good option to consider given the multiple benefits it has in terms of effects, convenience, and safety.

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