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    Is Chin Fat Reduction Safe? Everything You Need To Know About Procedures, Risks, and Results

    Robert Laidlaw • Jul 20, 2023

    As we age, it's quite common to see double chins developing beneath our jawlines. Perhaps you looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed a dreaded double chin has started to appear. Whether it is a result of ageing or you simply gained weight, it may be worth considering fat reduction treatments in Shellharbour, particularly if this change is already concerning you.

    But while this treatment is popular, safety remains a primary concern for many individuals. To address this, we've written a blog that will discuss everything you need to know about what is chin fat reduction, how it works, and delve deeper into whether it is actually safe. In this blog, we will also be covering how long its results last as well as the risks associated with this treatment. But before diving into the specifics, let's identify first what actually causes a double chin.

    What are the causes of double chin?

    Double chin or also referred to as submental fat, commonly occurs when a person gains weight. However, this may not always be the case. Here are some of the most common causes of double chin.

    Excess Fat

    Excess fat is probably the most common cause of a double chin which is often attributed to an overall excess of body fat. When a person gains weight, fat accumulation is basically spread out in all parts of the body including the face and under the chin.

    Depending on the person's body type, weight gain can sometimes be more visible in the face than in other parts of the body. Thus, to reduce a double chin, it is recommended that you strive for a healthy weight and engage in regular exercise. By doing this, you not only manage your overall health but you can also significantly eliminate your double chin.

    Ageing Skin

    Sagging skin or loose skin is a common result of ageing. As our bodies' skin collagen starts to decline, the skin then starts to lose its elasticity. As a result, the skin begins to sag and a double chin becomes visible. And when the skin beneath your jawline starts to sag, it can mimic the look of submental fat build-up in that region. Moreover, the diminishing muscle tone that comes with ageing can make it look worse.


    If you haven't gained weight and you're still relatively young, it's possible that the presence of your double chin is primarily influenced by genetics. Therefore, if your family members have double chins, then there is a significant likelihood that you may develop one as well.

    Poor Posture

    You may not notice it but poor posture can contribute to the development of a double chin. When you constantly look down at your phone or when you often slouch while sitting, your muscles in the chin and neck starts to weaken, which can result in increased skin laxity over time. Due to this, a double chin starts to become noticeable.

    Facial Structure

    Individuals with weak chins and jawlines are more prone to developing a double chin. This is primarily because their skin is stretched over a smaller surface area. Consequently, even a minor increase in fat cells or a decrease in skin elasticity can result in the formation of a double chin, as the skin is not as tightly drawn over the face. This is the reason why you can see that some people are slim yet they still have double chins.

    How do I get rid of double chin permanently?

    Woman with a doctor in cosmetology studio

    Aside from invasive cosmetic treatments, there are double chin injections and fat-dissolving injections that are available to reduce your fat cells below the chin permanently. As discussed previously, these non-surgical double chin injections are designed to permanently destroy the fat cells so they won't expand and form a double chin again.

    Can you get rid of double chin without surgery?

    Double chin consists basically of a layer of fat cells that show up when a person gains weight. Therefore, when that person loses weight, he or she can possibly get rid of that double chin. Proper diet and exercise are key components to reducing double chin naturally. But aside from these, there are specific exercise techniques that are proven to strengthen the muscles in the chin and neck area, which can help tone and strengthen them to give you a sharper-looking chin profile.

    On the other hand, surgical treatments are the go-to option for most patients seeking fast results. However, there is a safer alternative for those who prefer to avoid surgery. Non-surgical treatments such as chin sculpting, double chin injections, and fat dissolving injections offer effective solutions to reduce double chin fat without the need for invasive procedures.

    What is chin fat reduction and how does it work?

    Chin fat reduction is a type of procedure that reduces the appearance of excess fat deposits under the chin. Depending on the patient’s individual needs, a variety of techniques can be used to reduce the amount of fat in the chin area. Some of these include liposuction, chin sculpting, neck lift surgery, and double chin injections.

    While various treatments are available when it comes to reducing double chin fat, the most popular one is a non-surgical injection that uses deoxycholic acid to destroy fat cells. In this treatment, the substance is injected into the fat deposits beneath the chin, effectively breaking them down and enabling the body to naturally absorb and remove them.

    Is double chin reduction safe?

    Technically, double chin injections are safer than surgical treatments like liposuction, chin tuck, and neck lift. Since these injections are minimally invasive and do not involve any type of major surgical procedure, there are fewer risks involved.

    Furthermore, double chin injections have a faster recovery time of 1 to 2 days compared with double chin surgeries that could last up to 2 weeks or more. This type of double chin reduction is indeed better if you are looking for safer and more convenient options.

    What are the risks of dissolving double chin?

    While chin fat-dissolving injections containing deoxycholic acid are effective at targeting fat deposits, it's important to be aware that side effects may come alongside this treatment. Thus, here are some potential risks that you could experience after the procedure.

    • swelling
    • discomfort or pain
    • bruises
    • uneven smile
    • skin ulceration
    • a rare occurrence of Dysphagia

    How long does double chin reduction last?

    Side effects from double chin injections typically last for a few days up to a week. But afterwards, the results are worthwhile. Double chin injections provide permanent results by reducing fat cells within the chin area. Since adults do not generate new fat cells, the existing ones in the treated area will remain reduced over time.

    However, depending on the lifestyle and habits of an individual, fat can still accumulate, so it is important to maintain proper diet and exercise for lasting results.


    Many women often face the common problem of a double chin, which can have an impact on self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there are several treatments available for reducing these fat deposits and reshaping the chin. But when it comes to ensuring your safety, double chin injections offer a highly effective and safe method to reduce fat and enhance your jawline, all without the need for surgery. Not only is the procedure minimally invasive but it can produce results within a few days after treatment.

    However, while double chin injections are generally safe, you should be aware of the potential side effects and risks associated with it. Hence, good aftercare is important to achieving optimal results. So if you are considering double chin injections, be sure to choose an experienced medical professional to administer the injections safely and effectively.

    At Secret Skin, you'll find the most advanced technologies in cosmetic injectables, exclusively administered by doctors with specialised medical training. With our expertise and experience, you can say goodbye to double chins and attain the youthful and well-defined jawline you desire without risking your safety. Get in touch to get started.

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